What Makes a Small Group a G.R.O.U.P.


(What makes a small group a group?)

G.- Guided by a Leader and Overseen by a Coach. A group leader is someone who leads the lesson/ discussion and sees to it that the goals of the group are being met. The leader also trains apprentices and turns in reports.

R.- Regular meeting times: Preferably weekly or twice a month. The goal here is that you meet often enough to get to know one another and recognize when someone is not connected or struggling.

O.- Opens God’s word. When the group meets, time is set aside to examine to read and discuss God’s Word either directly or through an approved curriculum.

U.- United in Serving. Jesus said that He did not come to be served but to serve. Groups need to focus on serving inside the group and outside the group. Organize the group to involve as many people as possible. Match gifts with serving opportunities.

P.- Prayer for one another. Time is set aside for the taking of prayer requests and prayer for the burdens and concerns of the group members as well as praying for new people to come either to the church or your group.

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